Soul Coaching® Practitioners take coaching to a deeper level. Business and life coaches might work on the surface levels of one’s life, but sometimes it’s not that kind of success that makes one’s soul the happiest. By using our special coaching techniques, powerful self learning exercises, and various 28-day programs, we help people find and live their truth!
With thousands of Soul Coaching® Practitioners all over the world, our trademarked methods are becoming more well known and recognized for the power and joy it brings to our clients. Anyone can call themselves a soul coach, however, Soul Coaching® Practitioners are those remarkable beings who have stepped on this path to create the sacred space to hear the whispers of your own higher self. They have had a deep and immersive experience in order to step into this sacred work.
Soul Coaching® is a trademarked term and system of coaching, “Soul Coaching®” is a best selling book by Denise Linn and copyright by Hay House publishing.
Work with a Practitioner
Find out more about what kinds of services a Soul Coaching® Practitioner offers, and how you can connect with the Practitioner that is just right for you!
Become a Practitioner
Would you like to step into the role of coaching other to find more joy and success in life? Consider the path of the Soul Coaching Practitioner®
Soul Coaching® was created by Denise Linn and is a part of the Linn Academy of certifications.
Soul Coaching® is a very special coaching process that acknowledges that YOUR SOUL, YOUR HIGHER SELF, know the answers. Your Soul Coaching® Practitioner has been trained to use a very special coaching techniques to assist you in clearing away your mental debris, so that you can hear your soul’s calling.
Our Practitioners are trained in a very unique process to hold sacred space for you while finding your truth. They have expertise in leading various programs or processes that utilize the power of the Four Elements and the cycles of nature to unlock your passion for life again.
Our process, methods and programs are a trademarked system. Denise Linn (author of ‘Soul Coaching’, ‘Unlock the Secret Message of the Body’ and other Soul Coaching® related programs) created Soul Coaching® and its many processes and services that, as single appointments or a series of sessions, can ignite your intuition and connection to your life mission.
Denise Linn
Founder of Soul Coaching and The Linn Academy
If you would like to work with a Soul Coaching® Practitioner, please Click here to find a list of our Practitioners located all over the world. Our practitioners can work both in person and via telephone or video conferencing.